R, RStudio Desktop and NoMachine Overview


R Studio Desktop

Download RStudio

R App

The R Project for Statistical Computing


NoMachine - Free Remote Desktop For Everybody

The bookmarks above provide links to their respective homepages along with a brief description. We can use NoMachine as a remote desktop into Biowulf or Helix with the benefit of acting as a GUI for Biowulf or Helix. With NoMachine, we can run R Studio Desktop from Biowulf. NoMachine and RStudio Desktop, provide a mechanism of analyzing data located on Biowulf, however, with the cost of setup time and potential network issues.

We recommend RStudio Desktop whenever possible locally - use NoMachines only if needed with data stored remotely. Windows users should contact your IT Tech support for installation.

We've developed a set of webpages to get you up and running

  • Installing RStudio Desktop on the Mac - This page outline the steps necessary to install RStudio Desktop. Because R is required, we will also describe its installation there.
  • Installing Packages on RStudio Desktop - Packages greatly extend out-of-the-box functionality for R and RStudio Desktop.
  • Installing Packages in R - This describes how to install packages on the R app.
  • NoMachine Installation for Biowulf - This describes how to install NoMachine for remote desktop on Helix or Biowulf, however, RStudio Desktop can only be run from Biowulf.
  • Running RStudio on Biowulf with NoMachine - This explains it all.
  • Running R in Biowulf - How to run R interactively on Biowulf.

Extremely useful webpages from Biowulf - High Performance Computing at the NIH